Sunday, September 25, 2005

10/25 Class - Physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia

In this class we learned about Judaism's views of assisted suicide and euthanasia. We learned about the difficult choices families have to make some times and talked about ways people can make a difference in their own families through the use of living wills and durable power of attorney. We talked about Judaism's concern with the quality of life. Students shared their own experiences with having to decide to euthanize family pets.

We talked about the movie Million Dollar Baby.

What do you think? How do you feel about physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia?

Sunday, September 18, 2005

9/18 Class - The Death Penalty

We looked at the various objectives of the death penalty and then considered these using a Jewish perspective. We discussed Jewish texts that seem to defend the death penalty, such as "an eye for an eye," and then learned that, although the texts present the basis for the death penalty, it has rarely been actually used. We learned that the only criminal sentenced to death in Israel was Adolph Eichmann.

Movies we talked about and that you might want to view: The Shawshank Redemption, Dead Man Walking, The Green Mile. Books: A Clockwork Orange (watch the movie, too).

What are your views of the death penalty? If you don't support it, what are some methods you think could be used in its place?

Sunday, September 11, 2005

9/11 Class - Consumerism

This week we're discussing Judaism and consumerism. Judaism is not a religion of denial. We do not take vows of poverty or scorn wealth. But just as Judaism rejects denial and poverty, it scorns indulgence and wastefulness.

We will evaluate our attitudes toward wealth and consumerism. Further, then we'll examine what Judaism says about consumerism in relation to four categories; the environment, social justice, quality of life concerns and spiritual values.

Up for discussion:

Is rejecting extravagance equivalent to denial?

Should communities impose spending restrictions on members/citizens?

Should schools impose uniforms as a way to prevent overspending on school clothes and the resulting inequality (the haves and the have-nots)?

Do you feel materialism and indulgent consumption alienate us from essential values?

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Welcome to the new school year!

I've started this blog for the members of the Lakeside Congregation Pre-Confirmation class. One of the things we'll be studying this year is "Hot Topics." We'll be talking about current issues, exploring what Judaism says about them, and discussing. I started this blog so that we can post what we talk about in class and then share our opinions with others. You'll also find a schedule for the year here.

Monday, September 05, 2005

2005-2006 Schedule

9/11/05 Harris
9/18/05 Harris
9/25/05 Harris
10/2/05 Harris
10/16/05 Harris
10/23/05 Harris
11/6/05 Harris
11/13/05 Harris
11/20/05 Na'amat
12/4/05 Na'amat
12/11/05 Na'amat
1/22/06 Na'amat
1/29/06 Na'amat
2/5/06 Na'amat
2/12/06 Harris/Davis
2/26/06 Harris/Davis
3/5/06 Harris/Davis
3/12/06 Class canceled – come work on the Purim carnival
3/19/06 Harris/Davis
4/9/06 Harris/Davis
4/16/06 Harris/Davis
4/23/06 Yom Hashoah Speaker
4/30/06 Harris/Davis
5/7/06 Mitzvah Day
5/14/06 Harris/Davis
5/21/06 Harris/Davis