Sunday, September 11, 2005

9/11 Class - Consumerism

This week we're discussing Judaism and consumerism. Judaism is not a religion of denial. We do not take vows of poverty or scorn wealth. But just as Judaism rejects denial and poverty, it scorns indulgence and wastefulness.

We will evaluate our attitudes toward wealth and consumerism. Further, then we'll examine what Judaism says about consumerism in relation to four categories; the environment, social justice, quality of life concerns and spiritual values.

Up for discussion:

Is rejecting extravagance equivalent to denial?

Should communities impose spending restrictions on members/citizens?

Should schools impose uniforms as a way to prevent overspending on school clothes and the resulting inequality (the haves and the have-nots)?

Do you feel materialism and indulgent consumption alienate us from essential values?


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